ISO 20121:2024- ESMS

What is ISO 20121?

ISO 20121 is a beacon for sustainable event management, guiding organizations to seamlessly integrate sustainability into every facet of their event planning and execution. With a keen eye on social, economic, and environmental impacts, this standard is pivotal for events that aspire to leave a lasting positive legacy. This standard applies to events of all types and sizes, encouraging organizations to responsibly manage social, economic, and environmental impacts.

Why is ISO 20121 important?

In today’s event management, the push for sustainability is paramount. ISO 20121 emerges as a pivotal resource, guiding organizations toward practices that are more ethical, eco-friendly, and socially conscious. Highlighting new focuses on human and children’s rights, along with event legacies, the standard showcases sustainability’s transformative role in the industry. It offers various conformity demonstration methods, including self-declaration, supplier validation, and third-party certification, making sustainable practices attainable for all organizations, especially SMEs facing certification costs.



  •  Reduces environmental impact of events
  •  Fosters a holistic approach to sustainability, considering economic, environmental, and social impacts
  •  Improves stakeholder engagement and satisfaction
  •  Strengthens organizational reputation and brand value
  •  Offers versatile pathways for conformity assessment, catering to organizations of all sizes.